Friday, December 9, 2011

Whoa, It's almost Christmas!

Christmas is just around the corner!  Seriously.  Like, where has the year gone?!  Seriously.  It's hard to believe (at least for me) that this semester of school is about to wrap up, there are gifts to give, goodies to bake, and I have to figure out what I'm bringing home from school over break.  At least we have the tree up, and the stockings hung at home.  This is the first post-flood Christmas to involve decorating.  Last year, we had just gotten back into the house...meaning there were lots of boxes and no place for a tree!  With stockings and a tree, however, comes great temptation.  Not so much for me or other humans, but our four-legged friends struggle.  FYI: don't hang ornaments that smell like they might taste good...and wooden ornaments are apparently also very intriguing.  Apologies for the rambling.  

We also finally got our mantel "replaced."  More like re-covered, but same difference.  We built a box-thing to sit on top of the old mantel and attached an old piano fall (you know, the part that folds down to cover the keys) to the front.

The "skinny" tree.  I like it because it doesn't take up the whole room.  Hopefully, it won't get eaten.
If you've been procrastinating on shopping, Scentsy is promising arrival by Christmas if you order by the 19th (assuming, of course, things like the weather don't get in the way).  You can order online and have it shipped just about anywhere.  I here gifting options are even available.  Bonus: I will even send you a little Christmas gift, when you order online!  Another great idea would be to check out The Word Within

Well, I should probably go study for finals or something... Have a great Friday!

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