Saturday, July 9, 2011

Late Night Creme Brulee

Well, today was pretty uneventful as far as food goes.  Cereal for breakfast, sandwiches for lunch, and leftovers for dinner.  Woo-hoo.  I did decide to make some creme brulee for a late-night, post-workout snack (not that it's at all appropriate post-workout).  I did use like a box/kit thing, but it was warm, smooth, and yummy...

On the productive side of things, I got a few boxes unpacked today and did some organizing in the garage.  Maybe someday we will actually be able to put a car or two in there.  I also made some Scentsy samples.  Nothing really super exciting though!  

I am, however, excited about this: P90X 2 trailer.  Yeah, that's insane.  I've just got three weeks left of P90X (1).  Let me say, not stretching last Sunday was a very bad idea.  Doesn't seem like much, but skipping it totally messed up my week.  Lesson learned: don't neglect the stretching.  

I hope your Saturday was more eventful than mine :)

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